● Open Round 16th of each month at 01:00 pm slt.
● Close Round the 10th of each month.
● 10th of each month we'll return your items to your inventory.
● Set up start the 11th of each month at 01:00 pm slt .
● Set up end the 15th of each month at 01.00 pm slt.
Designers Rules
● Open Round 16th of each month at 01:00 pm slt.
● Close Round the 10th of each month.
● 10th of each month we'll return your items to your inventory.
● Set up start the 11th of each month at 01:00 pm slt .
● Set up end the 15th of each month at 01.00 pm slt.
● At the latest on the 15th of each month you have to send your exclusive vendor picture to the following mail : theantieventsl@gmail.com
● You can make your reserve from the 16th to the 30th of each month in the event payment area.
● Your items must be new creations and you'll can not sell them in your store while the round is open, after the event you can sell them in your store.
● It´s mandatory to put the event subscriber in your store in a visible place.
● Copyright infringement is strongly prohibited. If you are caught using images that you do not own (i.e. taken straight from google), copybotted material, or anything that breaks LL ToS, you will be ejected from the event and possibly banned from future events. Anyone caught breaching copyright or copybotting will be removed without a refund.
● Any creations that are against individual freedom are totally forbidden! We want to see the most unusual, interesting, and wonderful things you can create, that being said, we will not tolerate anything abusive, sexist, racist, or anything that is intentionally created to offend.
● We have room for only 55 designer each round. If the list of 55 is complete you can enter to the waiting list. If you are in the waiting list you agree to be ready if necessary to rez the day of the event opening.
● Please respect your neighbors. Everyone has their space to place the vendors.
- Late set ups will have an extension fee of 1000L (deadline for set up is 9th at 1 pm slt)
- Late set ups will not be included for our advertisement services.
You are allowed to ask for extra prims if you need them and the price will be of 10L$ per prim.
▶ Prices & Booth Description ◀
★ Standard Designer: 30 prims available for each designer / Fee: 2,000 L $.
★ Sponsor Designer: 50 prims available for each designer / Fee: 3,500 L $.